Your videos on 5 video platforms
Them on 10 Social Platforms
Free video & viral traffic, better ranking
Max Traffic From Your Videos: Why get only 1/5th the traffic from your videos? You get more when your video is seen on more platforms. Show it with Videoseeder on every platform.
Get Higher Rankings Automatically: Make the ‘laws of attraction’ work in your favor. Publish your videos on every platform and you’ll get better rankings thanks to more backlinks and better content discovery.
Auto Upload - Auto Promote: Upload your video to platforms like YouTube, Vimeo etc and auto promote them on Facebook, and other social platforms. Do it hands-free!
Make It A Revenue Maker: Get Videoseeder now and also get the Commercial License that gives you the rights to promote videos for others. Sellyour services in the local market, Fiverr or Freelancer. Build a powerful revenue stream.
Imagine creating a comprehensive and powerful traffic strategy that has multiple sources of traffic feeding into each other.
That’s the ultimate traffic strategy for today. Mastering just one or even two is not enough cause you won’t be creating the exploder effect that a comprehensive traffic strategy creates.
All your marketing feeds into each other and multiplies the impact. Overall the effect is not just a 50% or 70% boost but an explosion. It can go to 200% or 300% in no time at all!
Brett RuteckyA good software is like a good tool. It makes your life easier. This for sure qualifies!
Azamat MamyralievIt's very awesome tool! It could be change all my video marketing compain. I can save my time and do all seo optomization with only one tool - videoseeder. Great job!
Daniel PacittiBeing able to Promote videos to Multiple social sites, at the same time, would allow me more free time for other business needs. Create once and send to so many sites, perfectly timed as you want and then, repeat!
Kyriakos XafisVideoSeeder seems to be one of the best video syndication softwares I've seen in a while.
But they are not going to do any of this stored happily on your computer’s hard disk or even on the one YouTube channel that you push yourself to upload it on.
Tools are fantastic but tools but knowing how to use them is SUPERB!
Buy Videoseeder now and we will also give you the powerful traffic mastery training teaching you the same secret tricks that get us traffic like this on YouTube
Use the software, learn the training and you’ll get 3x or 4x the results from Videoseeder.
Make use of this limited time offer and grab Videoseeder because the training is going to be a paid add-on not long from now.
1.1 Introduction
2.1 The Basics
2.2 What is a search engine?
2.3 How search works?
2.4 What is SEO?
2.5 Why is SEO so important?
2.6 How much traffic each page and rank gets?
3.1 Relevance
3.2 Trust
3.3 Quality
4.1 Google Penguin Update
4.2 Google Panda Update
4.3 Google Hummingbird Update
4.4 Google Pigeon Update
4.5 Google Rankbrain Update
4.6 One strategy to deal with all updates
5.1 What are keywords and how to research them
5.2 Obtaining a huge list of keywords
5.3 Identifying Keywords That'll Get You Traffic
5.4 High Competition vs Low Competition Keywords
5.5 Keyword Targeting A Shot In The Dark
5.6 Progressive SEO Strategy
6.1 What is Mobile Compatibility
6.2 What Robots.txt Does for Your Search Ranking
6.3 How To Create and Submit a Sitemap Correctly
6.4 Why HTTPS is So Important for Search
6.5 Outbound Links
6.6 Valid HTML
6.7 Site Performance and Ranking
6.8 Semantic HTML
7.1 What is Link-building
7.2 Why will link building never go away
7.3 How to Build Links That Benefit You
8.1 How Social Media Affects SEO
8.2 How Facebook Affects SEO
8.3 How Twitter Affects SEO
8.4 How Pinterest works with SEO
9.1 Introducing Google Analytics
9.2 Why Use Google Analytics
9.3 Analyzing Keywords in Analytics
9.4 Demographs and Other Data
9.5 Other Analytics Tools
10.1 How Much Content You Should Have On Page
10.2 How Many Types Of Content To Target
10.3 Using Analytics To Design Better Content
10.4 Why Consistency Will Win Over Everything Else
10.5 Using Analytics To Design Better Content
10.6 How To Curate Content And Win
10.7 How To Get Content Ideas
11.1 Site Not Listed In Google
11.2 Rankings Dropping Fast
11.3 Site Penalized By Penguin
12.1 What is Local SEO
12.2 Targeting Local SEO Keywords
12.3 Getting Citations
13.1 What Is Extra Metadata
13.2 Microformats, Rich Snippets & Schema
14.1 Seo Death - Part 1
14.2 Seo Death - Part 2
14.3 Seo Death - Part 3
15.1 Why SEO Will Never Go Out Of Fashion
15.2 Hiring The Right SEO Agencies
15.3 Working as an SEO Professional
16.1 Glossary
Every single business owner is looking to be found online and now you can help them using Videoseeder.
Get Videoseeder now and you will also get a Commercial License which authorizes you to promote other people’s businesses using video sharing.
You can charge them for the service or even give them away free as an add-on to your existing marketing offers.
Go to local businesses and offer to get them ranking higher for their niche keywords, as well as drive traffic from social web.
Build video properties ranking for specific keywords and rent them out to other businesses for a weekly or monthly recurring.
Create websites, video channels and social sites targeting a niche and flip it on flippa.
Make video promotion and ranking an add-on to your existing services to your clients.
Offer video promotion and backlinking services on sites like Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork etc.
Yes, you’re going to promote a ton of videos to every platform, but how are you going to turn them into real and valuable traffic?
How are you going to find effective keywords that will get you the traffic you need?
Get Videoseeder now and we will solve that problem for you. We’ll give you an app that will give you the best video keywords you need.
Just enter one root keyword and this app will give you 100s of related high traffic keywords automatically.
This is going to be vital for your success. Grab it now before we put it in the paid upgrade!
This powerful plugin will move your content over to
any new site, domain or Wordpress installation you
have in a matter of seconds.
No need to do things painstakingly.
Pick up any unindexed URL, and ping over 30 search engines. This Pinger will get you indexed all over the Internet fast!
Here's the best tool to help you monetize YouTube Videos With Ads or Opt-in's!
Place custom made advertisements and even email opt-in forms on any embeddable YouTube video fast and easy with this wordpress plugin. Get ready to put your YouTube profits on fire with this one!
Then set the ball rolling with this short and easy to implement compilation for newbies to get engagement from your newbie FB marketing efforts.
No tech expertise required, no complex and heavy on budget tips or tools. Simply effective and effectively simple tips to set your FB profits rolling.
Find out how automatic articles can help you get fresh leads without going crazy doing things from scratch.
Everything is easier when it’s done for you and readymade.
Need a quick solution to mail directly from your desktop PC?
You can use the List Mail Jeet. A quick little software that will help you mail any list very quickly from your desktop PC itself.
Ideal for small mailout jobs to one time lists.
This powerful application tells you which keywords are open for ranking on Google, so that you can grab them and build your list without paying for ads.